  • Topics covered: Chapter 13, MIshna 1, 2 If a minor girl is betrothed or married off by her mother or brother, she may refuse her husband and annul the marriage. What are the particulars of this law, and how does …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 12, Mishna 3, 4 If a yavam won’t perform chalitzah with a widow who does not wish to marry hum, we compel or even trick him to so, in order to free her. What is the order …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 12, Mishna 3 Analysis of the impact of incomplete chalitzah on the participants. And what if the yavam or the yevama were minors? A colorful incident illustrates Rabbi Yosei’s opinion on this question, as well as the …

  • 🛎 AT Daily! #897 🌘 Is Night Time The Right Time? 👰‍♀️👰‍♀️ Yevamos 104

    Topics covered: Chapter 12, Mishna 2, 3 Can chalitzah be performed at night? Can chalitzah be performed on the left foot? What if the recitation of the relevant Torah verse was omitted? What if the act of spitting on the …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 12, Mishna 1 For the purposes of the chalitzah ceremony, when a shoe must be removed from on the yavam’s foot by the yevama, what constitutes a shoe? A foot? Removal? Can an amputee perform chalitzah?    …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 12, Mishna 1 Let’s get granular about the chalitzah ceremony. How many judges must preside over it? What kind of shoe may be used, when the yevama “removes the show” from upon his foot? What counts as …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 11, Mishna 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Chapter 12, Mishna 1 What happens when children get mixed up and we do not know who the father or mother is? What impact on levirate marriage? Chalitza? Priestly marriage? …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 10, Mishna 6, Chapter 11, Mishna 1, 2 Nonmarital sexual relations can aberrant cases that upend expected outcomes under Torah law in terms of permitted/prohibited marriages. Conversion can also produce unexpected results because brothers at birth do …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 10, Mishna 3, 4, 5, 6 Working through levirate marriage consequences when a minor boy is involved in a yibum situation. (Criminal law consequences are a different matter.) Rabbi Yochanan became furious when his student Rabbi Elazar …

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