Topics covered: Chapter 5, Mishna 4 Why does page 33b of the Talmud contain no Talmud? Who were the Tosafists and how did they save the Talmud in medieval France? If a group of 6 people made various vows of …
Topics covered:Chapter 5, Mishna 1A consecration made in error may not be binding, depending on what the person meant. Prohibited to substitute an animal for a consecrated animal, and mistaken consecration in this regard is treated stringently. Defining an “erroneous …
Topics covered:Chapter 4, Mishna 5, 6Can a father vow nazirus for his son? When the future Rabbi Chanina was a boy, his father made a vow of nazirus for him. He was brought before Rabban Gamliel for examination, and he …
Topics covered: Chapter 4, Mishna 5 Discussion of whether/why father can vow nazirus on behalf of minor son. Why can we impose a nazirus vow, but not others? Nazir must shave head at conclusion of nazirus even though not supposed …
Topics covered: Chapter 4, Mishna 3, 4, 5 Is it true that a blemished animal is like unallocated funds? Rava challenges this with a baraisa. Animal or money set aside for sin offering must be used to atone for that …
Topics covered: Chapter 4, Mishna 3 Why do we make public repetition of amidah in morning and afternoon? Dates to return from the Babylonian Exile. Returnees after 70 years lost habit of Hebrew prayer, so Ezra provided script for prayer …
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