  • Chapter 7, Mishna 4 What is significance of “until 1/6” re: whether refund goes to buyer? When does sale stand? Is precisely 1/6 likened to more than 1/6 or less than 1/6? What is like a sale of orphan’s property? …

  • Chapter 7, Mishna 3 What is legal difference between “precise” and “more or less” of a beis kor? What if there are contradictory stipulations when selling land? What is relevance of renting land in a leap year? When do parties …

  • Chapter 7, Mishna 2 If a purchaser received more or less land than he agreed to buy, what is the law? What do we learn from the mishna’s two cases about a precise beis kor of land, and a beis …

  • Chapter 7, Mishna 1 What is a beis kor? Why are rocks and crevices in a field treated differently than other areas? What does it mean to consecrate your field? How to redeem ancestral fields that have been consecrated? What …

  • Chapter 6, Mishna 8 If one sells land for a catacomb or contracts to have one created, what is size range of catacomb? How many burial niches and how are they positioned/accessed? How many niches per chamber? How many chambers …

  • Chapter 6, Mishna 7 If a field owner provides a second thoroughfare for public, can people use both of them? Why should people be allowed to appropriate land from a private owner? Can owner destroy the public thoroughfare if he …

  • Chapter 6, Mishna 4, 5, 6, 7 What size were cherubs/statues of angels in the Temple? Why does it say 30 cubits tall in one verse and 20 cubits in another? What is the verse teaching us by considering only …

  • Chapter 6, Mishna 3, 4 When is seller responsible to provide better wine than the inferior wine he sold? When does seller bear responsibility when wine sours? Does it matter if which jug it soured in? Why is cooking wine …

  • Chapter 6, Mishna 2 What quality of wine can/can’t one say kiddush on? What wine is fit to bring as a libation? If wine that is not fit is brought as a libation, is it disqualified? Can one squeeze juice …

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