  • #1808 Bava Basra 174 Chapter 10, Mishna 9 What is the language of unconditional guarantee? What is difference between language of “give” and language of “lend”? What is law if someone says “give money to him and I am the …

  • #1807 Bava Basra 173 Chapter 10, Mishna 7, 8, 9 Can right to collect debt be transferred by handing over a promissory note? What if two men with same name owe money in the same town? If note of repayment …

  • #1805-1806 Bava Basra 171-172 Chapter 10, Mishna 6, 7 Can valid promissory note be dated on Shabbos or Yom Kippur? Can promissory note be post- or ante-dated? When is receipt written for debtor after debt is paid? What if creditor …

  • #1804 Bava Basra 170 Chapter 10, Mishna 5, 6 How is replacement deed different than original one? Why doesn’t duplicate include guarantee? What can/can’t the replacement deed be used for? Why would a land deed not have a guarantee? What …

  • #1802-1803 Bava Basra 168-169 Chapter 10, Mishna 3, 4, 5 Who pays for a gett? When something is sold, who is considered beneficiary? When scribe writes a contract, does he need permission from both parties? What is relevance of documents …

  • #1801 Bava Basra 167 Chapter 10, Mishna 2, 3 What is issue with writing signature at bottom of blank document? When writing a promissory note why shouldn’t write number from 3-10 at end of line? What is relevance of changing …

  • #1800 Bava Basra 166 Chapter 10, Mishna 2 What if it’s there’s a discrepancy on document between amount owed written in upper area and amount written in lower area? What if document says someone owes silver without specifying which kind …

  • #1798-1799 Bava Basra 164-165 Chapter 10, Mishna 1 Why change dating system in tied document? How to distinguish between a tied document and an ordinary document? What does “archan” mean and what is relevance? What is relevance of roundly shaped …

  • #1797 Bava Basra 163 Chapter 10, Mishna 1 How do witnesses sign a document? How is gap between two blank lines between text and signatures measured? How much of gap between lines protects against forgery? How much interlinear space is necessary …

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