  • Topics covered:Chapter 6, Mishna 5, 6, 7Prohibition of priest vs that of a nazir re coming into contact with the dead. Nazir is forbidden from contracting impurity only from a corpse, other kids do not violate his oath. Priest doesn’t …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 6, Mishna 2, 3, 4, 5In general majority of entity is like all of it, but not for a nazir’s shaving. Leave two hairs, and he’s done nothing at all. Nazir may shampoo his head and separate hairs …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 6, Mishna 2How do our Sages derive that a positive commandment comes and overrides a negative commandment (prohibition)? nazir #nazirite #wine #vow #liability Opening song: Rainforest sounds

  • Topics covered:Chapter 6, Mishna 2Nazir who was shaved by bandits – does this negate his days of nazirus? How much hair must he remove to trigger liability for shaving during nazirus? How many hairs must he leave to invalidate his …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 6, Mishna 1, 2What if a nazir eats a little piece of one grape and then a little of another? Can prohibited and prohibited can combine to form the minimum measure that triggers liability? With regard to the …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 6, Mishna 1Bread soaked in wine adds weight and volume to small amount of wine, and can thus trigger liability for eating the minimum prohibited amount of wine. Does “permitted food combines with prohibited food” apply to rest …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 6, Mishna 1Does permitted substance combine with non permitted substance to form the minimum prohibited amount that triggers liability for violating a Torah prohibition? nazir #nazirite #wine #vow #exegesis #hermeneutics Opening song: Rainforest sounds

  • Topics covered:Chapter 6, Mishna 1A Nazir can’t eat fruit of the grapevine. Why does the Torah add “ from pits to grapeskin”? From this we learn law: detail – generalization – detail. The specific wording was included to teach us …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 5, Mishna 5, Chapter 6, Mishna 1A koy is a kosher animal with characteristics of both a domesticated and an undomesticated animal. Relevant to ambiguous vows of nazirus. Let’s get down to basics re the law of nazirus. …

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