  • Topics covered:Chapter 6, Mishna 1Does permitted substance combine with non permitted substance to form the minimum prohibited amount that triggers liability for violating a Torah prohibition? nazir #nazirite #wine #vow #exegesis #hermeneutics Opening song: Rainforest sounds

  • Topics covered:Chapter 6, Mishna 1A Nazir can’t eat fruit of the grapevine. Why does the Torah add “ from pits to grapeskin”? From this we learn law: detail – generalization – detail. The specific wording was included to teach us …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 5, Mishna 5, Chapter 6, Mishna 1A koy is a kosher animal with characteristics of both a domesticated and an undomesticated animal. Relevant to ambiguous vows of nazirus. Let’s get down to basics re the law of nazirus. …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 5, Mishna 4 Why does page 33b of the Talmud contain no Talmud? Who were the Tosafists and how did they save the Talmud in medieval France? If a group of 6 people made various vows of …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 5, Mishna 1A consecration made in error may not be binding, depending on what the person meant. Prohibited to substitute an animal for a consecrated animal, and mistaken consecration in this regard is treated stringently. Defining an “erroneous …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 4, Mishna 5, 6Can a father vow nazirus for his son? When the future Rabbi Chanina was a boy, his father made a vow of nazirus for him. He was brought before Rabban Gamliel for examination, and he …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 4, Mishna 5 Discussion of whether/why father can vow nazirus on behalf of minor son. Why can we impose a nazirus vow, but not others? Nazir must shave head at conclusion of nazirus even though not supposed …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 4, Mishna 3, 4, 5 Is it true that a blemished animal is like unallocated funds? Rava challenges this with a baraisa. Animal or money set aside for sin offering must be used to atone for that …

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