Topics covered:Chapter 7, Mishna 1How did a hornet cross the Jordan and what did it do to Canaanites? How many hornets were there? How were tribes divided on Mt Gerizim and on the ephod of the Kohen Gadol? Was it …
Topics covered:Chapter 7, Mishna 1Why did people freak out after spies’ report? How should we understand language of the report? What is deeper meaning of their concerns as expressed? Were the spies liars? What happened with priests carrying ark in …
Topics covered:Chapter 7, Mishna 1How did Children of Israel cross the Jordan? Why did priests carry ark across the Jordan rather than the Levites? How high did water go? How big was cluster of grapes brought by spies? Does water …
Topics covered:Chapter 7, Mishna 1May Shma be recited in any language? What does it mean that angels aren’t familiar with Aramaic? Must public Torah reading be performed in Hebrew? If someone studies Torah in another language do they fulfill the …
Topics covered:Chapter 7, Mishna 1WHich Hebrew rituals can be recited in language other than lashon kodesh – sacred tongue? What needs to be in sacred tongue? Does purpose of prayer matter in terms of language? Can oath of sotah be …
Topics covered:Chapter 6, Mishna 1Sages debate whether this mishna applies to defilement or seclusion of the sotah. Must the man divorce his wife by the testimony of a single witness? Can a single witness’ testimony prevent her from receiving marriage …
Topics covered:Chapter 5, Mishna 1What is first and what is second tithe? How does food impart impurity and what level?Can challah be taken from ritually pure dough for the sake of impure dough? How is this done? How did Jews …
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