  • Topics covered: Sponsored by Susan Rose Golbin in honor of Cantor Paul Dorman and in memory of Babet bat Yoel Chapter 10, Mishna 5 How do we disentangle a circular lien on the a field sold by a husband to …

  • Sponsored by Rebecca Cohen in memory of Rachel Hufford Chapter 10, Mishna 4 How do we dispose of land or assets that have been sold or gifted to different people on the same day? Do they just split it, or …

  • Topics covered: Sponsored by Betsy Hoover for the healing of Debbie S. of Katy, TX Chapter 10, Mishna 2, 3, 4 How do we divide assets when multiple widows have claims on the same husband, with ketubos written on the …

  • Topics covered: Sponsored by Mickey Stein in memory of Samuel ben Mordechai haLevy Chapter 9, Mishna 8, Chapter 10, Mishna 1 How do we divide assets/inheritance when a husband leaves two widows simultaneously? Also in memory of Babet bat Yoel, …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 9, Mishna 6, 7 How does a court ensure that widow or divorcee does not collect her ketuba payment twice? In memory of Babet bat Yoel, may her neshama have a great aliyah! #ketubah #dowry #husband #wife …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 9, Mishna 5 The difference between oaths by Torah law and oaths by rabbinic decree is profound. When can a divorcee or widow be made to take an oath? Why would a husband recharacterize a partial ketuba …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 9, Mishna 4, 5 Who is asked and who is obligated to swear an oath in financial matters? How does this law intesect with the law of marriage contracts? In memory of Babet bat Yoel, may her …

  • Sponsored by Scott Gregory for the healing of Lindsey bat Sue And in memory of Babet bat Yoel, may her neshama have a great aliyah! Topics covered: Chapter 9, Mishna 2, 3, 4 Can I sell Jim’s promissory note to …

  • Topics covered: For healing of Fern, daughter of Wauzel and Henry; for healing of Marianna bat Juliana In memory of Babet bat Yoel, may her neshama have a great aliyah! Chapter 9, Mishna 2 A series of incidents in which …

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