  • Topics covered:Chapter 4, Mishna 1, 2Can’t take a vow on behalf of someone else. Tying vow to someone else’s vow. Woman who tries to sin and is unaware that husband nullified vow still needs to atone. Compared to man who …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 4, Mishna 1Saying “And I” about another’s vow needs to be said quickly (within time required for greeting teacher.) Establishing consequences of a chain of “And I” people taking vow after initial person takes vow. Does husband’s nullification …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 3, Mishna 3, 4, Chapter 4, Mishna 1Nazirus must be spent entirely in EY because the Sages deemed tha lands anywhere outside of EY tamei. When witnesses contradict each other about how long nazir took vow for, count …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 3, Mishna 2, 3Getting vows nullified by halachic authority. Wife or daughter can have vow nullified. Husband or father can only nullify her vows if he does it as soon as he hears tof it. Once vow nullified, …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 3, Mishna 2Vow of nazirus obligates you to not come into contact with dead. R’ Yochanan prevailed in debate with RL that vow taken in cemetery is valid but must go through 7 day purification before one can …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 3, Mishna 2Rabbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish argue about person who vows nazirus while in cemetery. Is he flogged? Does he shave? If so, when? If nazir touches a corpse and goes through 7 day period of purification, …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 3, Mishna 1, 2Making a bird offering to atone for corpse impurity. If someone says he is nazir for 30 days but shaves on day 30, has not fulfilled obligation, because specifying 30 days (rather than accepting the …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 2, Mishna 9Vow of nazirus with “if a son is born” conditions and multiple terms of nazirus. Must be enough time to grow hair so that it can be shaved. Negating days and owing days from first term …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 2, Mishna 8When term of nazirus is interrupted and re-started. Dispute between R’ Yochanan and Reish Lakish. Backstory of their relationship: R’Yochanan bathing when bandit RL comes by, RY inspired RL to study Torah and marry RY’s sister. …

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