1842 – Sanhedrin 33Chapter 4, Mishna 1If someone is brought to trial on murder case and acquitted, if there is new evidence can he be tried again?If someone is brought to trial on murder case and convicted, if there is …
Topics covered: #1841 – Sanhedrin 32 Chapter 4, Mishna 1 What is difference between witness testimony in cases of capital law and monetary law? Who can teach a reason to find accused liable or exempt him? Can deliberations be held …
#1840 – Sanhedrin 31 Chapter 3, Mishna 5, 6 What if witnesses contradict each other about money changing hands? What are considered secondary details? What is congruent testimony? When are two testimonies combined? What if pair of witnesses disagrees with pair …
Topics covered: Chapter 3, Mishna 3, 4 What is a conspiring witness and can he testify in other cases? Is testimony invalidated after the fact if witness was later found to be a conspiring witness? Can witnesses ever be voided …
#1839 – Sanhedrin 30 Chapter 3, Mishna 5 Is there anything that the sages don’t know and the scribes of court do know? Who can write document of admission and who can witness it? How many witnesses need to hear …
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