  • Topics covered:Chapter 7, Mishna 2On the subject of whether a partial corpse imparts ritual impurity, we ask whether eating a small but partial creeping thing triggers liability like eating an entire ant? Does the spine or skull of a human …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 7, Mishna 2If two bodies are buried together and dust is mixed (or with wood dust, or shroud dust) then it doesn’t impart impurity. What is considered part of corpse that imparts impurity? Teeth, hair and nails don’t …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 7, Mishna 2What counts as a corpse? What if flesh of a corpse has liquefied in a hot place? Do spittle and urine found on a corpse impart ritual impurity? Does liquid from animal corpse convey impurity? Lifting …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 7, Mishna 1, 2 If nazir and kohen find meis mitzvah, who buries the body? Majority say nazir should do it because sanctity of high priest is permanent versus nazir sanctity is temporary. They don’t become impure …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 7, Mishna 1How do we know that a nazir, who may not become impure for the dead, even to bury his father, does become impure to bury an unattended corpse? How do we know that he is permitted …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 6, Mishna 12, Chapter 7, Mishna 1Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus is an inspiring story of desire to learn Torah in spite of great difficulties. He disagrees with the majority re the offerings of a nazir who becomes impure …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 6, Mishna 10, 11What is “waving” of sacrifices and why does it remind us to be grateful? Was waving indispensable the concluding offerings of a nazir? Could he start drinking wine again if neglected to wave his sin …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 6, Mishna 7, 8, 9When in his purification process does the nazir who became impure for the dead shave his head? Comparison to the zav, who may not enter the Levite Camp until he has completed all steps …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 6, Mishna 5, 6, 7Prohibition of priest vs that of a nazir re coming into contact with the dead. Nazir is forbidden from contracting impurity only from a corpse, other kids do not violate his oath. Priest doesn’t …

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