  • Topics covered:Chapter 9, Mishna 1Laws of nazirus don’t apply to non-Jews. Greater stringency for women than slaves because master can override slave’s nazirus, but a husband or father can’t override for wife/daughter (after allowing the vow to stand initially). Biblical …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 8, Mishna 3The complex case of a nazir who is uncertain whether s/he became tamei for the dead AND whether s/he contracted tzaraas. S/he will end up observing a quadruple term of nazirus, and the gemara explains why… …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 8, Mishna 1, 2, 3Men not permitted to shave certain parts of body because it’s like putting on a women’s garment. Cross dressing prohibition depends on local custom of what men & women wear, as well as intent …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 8, Mishna 1Case of uncertainty in nazirus. Is it considered that one who rounds entire head rounds the corners?If you’re doing purification of metzora, you need to shave entire head, but don’t start with the corners. Positive mitzvah …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 8, Mishna 1Uncertain impurity: two nazirim, one of them became impure for the dead but not sure which. They must each complete their terms of nazirus, and then cover their bases by bringing two sets of offerings… What …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 7, Mishna 3, 4, 5Do one’s days as a confirmed metzora count toward his tall of days as a nazir? What does rabbinically decreed tumah regarding nazirim have to do with non-nazirim entering the Temple? When attributing authorship …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 7, Mishna 2Regarding tumah decreed upon the lands of nations, Sages initially decreed ritual impurity on earth of the lands, if you touch the soil or cause it to move. Later they extended decree to airspace. Relevant to …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 7, Mishna 2, 3How do we know that a corpse transmits tumah – ritual impurity – to one who walks over its grave. Why are there some sources of corpse impurity that do not trigger the nazir’s obligation …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 7, Mishna 2What is the minimum size for a bone from a corpse to impart impurity of a corpse (thus triggering a nazir to shave, bring offerings and restart his term) through touching? Carrying? Sharing a roof (tent)? …

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