  • Topics covered:Chapter 1, Mishna 1How dangerous is arrogance! Sages bring a host of verses demonstrating that haughtiness alienates a person from our Creator, whereas contrition and humility open the doors to the Divine Presence. What is an effective warning from …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 1, Mishna 1How long do the suspected adulterous wife and the man she was warned to avoid need to be secluded in order to trigger the sotah ritual? Many different measures of time suggested by different Sages – …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 1, Mishna 1Testimony of one witness suffices with regard to defilement, only after two witnesses established warning and seclusion. Once woman cheats they must divorce. Husband’s warning would be irrelevant after defilement. Husband issues warning only when “spirit …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 1, Mishna 1How does a wife become a “sotah” – a suspected adulteress? Two witnesses saw her husband warn her not to seclude herself with a particular man, and two witnesses saw her subsequently seclude herself with that …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 9, Mishna 7Zav and zava – different kind of impurity, gonorrhea like discharge – emissions but not sexual emissions. If he emits ziva liquid twice, any further discharge is also considered ziva. But we check the ask the …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 9, Mishna 5, 6Ritual impurity of graves does not apply to gentile graves because their impurity is not imparted via a tent (applies to one walking over a grave). Three corpses buried in one spot or discovered for …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 9, Mishna 4Somebody goes into cave to immerse for one of two reasons: became impure for dead/now immersing to purify, or just to cool off. Then he finds out a corpse was floating in pool. Either way, he …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 9, Mishna 3, 4A slave can’t take a vow that interferes with rights of his owner. If slave makes nazirus vow that he can’t fulfill and then runs away, does he have to fulfill vow? He’s free, but …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 9, Mishna 1, 2Gentiles are included in laws of valuations, in that they can be the subject of an erech vow. They can bring an olah offering and they can make a vow to bring that offering. But …

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