  • Topics covered:Chapter 4, Mishna 1Is forewarning from husband required for suspected adulteress to lose her ketubah payment? Who is the woman who may be divorced without receiving her ketubah payment? If husband issued a warning and then retracted it, is …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 4, Mishna 1Does a betrothed woman who secludes herself with another man drink bitter water? What if husband changes his mind in Jerusalem and doesn’t want her to drink bitter water? What if husband dies before sotah drinks …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 3, Mishna 3Why is it problematic that the death of sotah may be delayed due to her merit? If a sotah’s meal offering is consecrated, and then the ritual is stopped because she confesses, or her husband retracts, …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 3, Mishna 2Who is an am haaretz? Meir: anyone who does not recite shema morning and evening with blessings. Rabbis: anyone who does not wrap tefilin. Hasn’t studied the written torah and mishna. Has sons but doesn’t raise …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 3, Mishna 2Mitzvos and Torah study protect one from various kinds of danger – which? How long does that protection last? Sin will always crouch at your door and you can overcome it if you train yourself, recognize …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 3, Mishna 2How are we to understand the opinion in our mishna that women should not be taught certain portions of the Torah? Why do some sages, and most modern sages disagree with this opinion? Why did Rabbi …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 3, Mishna 1Meal offering of sotah: priest shall take offering of jealousy out of woman’s hand. But what about shomer negiah? Jerusalem Talmud: it’s only for a short time, plus priest’s hand didn’t touch her hand directly according …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 2, Mishna 4, 5Certain dilemmas with respect to the scroll dissolved in the bitter water are left unresolved. With regard to what does she say amen amen? Amen on the curse as she accepts it upon herself if …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 2, Mishna 1, 2, 3, 4Comparison of the sotah’s meal offering (barley flour) to other meal offerings (wheat flour). Sota brings food of animals because her behavior was like animal. If there is no dust for the bitter …

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