  • Topics covered:Chapter 1, Mishna 1When does sexual intercourse create betrothal? Does intercourse that was interrupted create betrothal? Is it the beginning or the end of intercourse that creates betrothal? Does betrothal through intercourse also create marriage? What are legal differences …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 1, Mishna 1When is appraisal necessary in betrothal by money equivalent? Does betrothal take effect as soon as money is paid? Must it be paid in full? Do you need to return collateral if the borrower needs it? …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 1, Mishna 1What does “my espoused one” mean? Can a couple be betrothed if the man gives woman money but says nothing about marriage? Can a couple be betrothed by means of a loan? What does “benefit of …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 1, Mishna 1Why is Moses smashing the tablets like breaking a wedding contract? Can money create betrothal? Can a document? What are legal similarities & differences between betrothal and divorce? What is an act of severance? What are …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 1, Mishna 1Do you have to have betrothal and then chuppah? What happens if you skip the betrothal? What is symbolic exchange? Can wife be acquired this way? Can woman be released from marriage by means of halitza? …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 1, Mishna 1Topics covered:What does it mean that a woman “is acquired”? Does a couple who has sex automatically become betrothed? What are lessons of Ephron’s field? How is betrothal like consecrated property? Can a man acquire a …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 9, Mishna 7-10May a get be written in two columns? May witnesses sign a get in a language other than Hebrew? If a husband is coerced by a Jewish court into divorcing his wife, is the divorce valid? …

  • Chapter 9, Mishna 1-7What does word “ellah” mean in the context of this mishna? Can husband stipulate that divorced wife can’t or must marry a certain person? What is an uncertain divorce? What does “taiku” mean with respect to dilemma …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 8, Mishna 7, 8, 9What if a scribe handed a man the wrong document, and he, thinking it was a get, “divorced” his wife with it? What if a husband wrote a get for his wife and then …

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