Topics covered:Chapter 1, Mishna 1What happens if an ox gores someone? What if someone starts a forest fire accidentally? What are categories of damage? What are categories of labor prohibited on Shabbos? What is difference between primary and sub categories? …
Topics covered:Chapter 4, Mishna 8, 9, 10Can brother and sister sleep in the same bed? Can father sleep in close proximity to minor daughter? When can a father betroth his minor daughter? Who can’t be a teacher? What kind of …
Topics covered:Chapter 4, Mishna 8Is the word of a non-Torah scholar valid regarding seclusion of man & woman forbidden to each other? Are Torah scholars at risk of sinning when secluded with woman? When does rabbinic court flog man and/or …
Topics covered:Chapter 4, Mishna 7, 8In case of incest, how can we know that they’re really brother and sister? Are stepsiblings who grew up together forbidden to each other? Do we burn terumah based on presumptive status? Can capital punishment …
Topics covered:Chapter 4, Mishna 6What if father and agent betroths a woman to different men, how to discern which betrothal is valid? What is difference in status of a grown woman and a younger woman? What is status of conversions …
Topics covered:Chapter 4, Mishna 4, 5Does Halala have prohibitions not related to priesthood? Why does it need to be said that a zona is forbidden to a high priest since she’s already forbidden to common priest? What happens if priest …
Topics covered: Chapter 4, Mishna 4 Who can daughter of halal marry? Who does profination apply to? How does halal get purified? If priest sleeps with prohibited woman, why is she profaned but not him? What does “people of flawed …
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