  • Topics covered:Chapter 7, Mishna 5Must a women pay money to receive her get? What if get is torn?How does money create a betrothal? If first betrothal isn’t finalized, can woman betroth another? What if get is torn? If get is …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 7, Mishna 3, 4How to determine whether recurrence of illness is a second illness or new one? Can a get be retracted like a gift? Can a get be applied retroactively to protect widow from yibum? Is it …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 7, Mishna 2, 3Can agent hand get to someone else to deliver to wife? Must husband say instructions to agent in front of three people? Must instructions be verbal? Can husband give get that would go into effect …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 7, Mishna 1, 2What is legal status of communication of a mute person? A deaf-mute person? Someone who wasn’t deaf/mute his whole life? Is written testimony valid testimony? How can one who can’t speak give testimony? Can a …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 7, Mishna 1What is best way to consume food/medicine to avoid disease? What is best and worst kind of wine for heath? Why shouldn’t you have sex right after letting blood? Going to the bathroom? What are sexual …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 7, Mishna 1What is remedy for migraine? Blindness? Toothache? Bronchial infection? Pain? Blood in lungs? Wound? Heart palpitations? Worms? Bowel issues? Kidney stones? Fever? What makes an animal a treifa? Opening song: Rainforest sounds

  • Topics covered:Chapter 7, Mishna 1What/who is kordiakos? What is remedy for kordiakos? Fever? Chills? Why did Rav Sheshes refuse to eat in exilarch’s home? Why did exilarch’s servants try to kill Rav Sheshes? Why would King Solomon acquire male and …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 6, Mishna 4-10If agent gives wife get in different place than specified by husband is it valid? Can woman pick place to receive get? Can wife of kohen eat terumah after she appoints an agent to receive her …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 5, Mishna 9, Chapter 6, MIshna 1, 2, 3May we lend utensils to Jews who are suspected of not tithing or observing the Sabbatical year properly? Can one double the greeting (shalom shalom) to a gentile? Can you …

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