  • Topics covered: Chapter 2, Mishna 1 Does agent have same legal status as principal? Can agent do something that is to person’s disadvantage? Can orphans protest court decisions? What is legal difference between inheriting land vs movable property Is there …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 2, Mishna 1Can a man create engagement through his agent, rather than himself? What about a woman? Can a man betroth his daughter to a man when she is a minor? Can you appoint an agent to represent …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 1, Mishna 11, 12Is there a righteous person who is not good? Is there a wicked person who is not evil? Why do certain mitzvot get rewarded in this world and the next? What do they have in …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 1, Mishna 10, 11What is difference between orlah laws inside and outside the land of israel? Do laws of kilayim and new crop apply outside of EY? What happens if orlah status is unknown inside and outside of …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 1, Mishna 10What is significance of “dwelling” in commandment to observe Shabbos in your dwelling? Are there Shabbos laws that are different for Jews living in EY (Eretz Yisroel) and not? For how long did the Jews eat …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 9, 10 What kinds of sprinkling can or cannot women perform? Who performs waving and what kind of waving and how? Does a naziress (female nazir) perform her own waving? Which land-dependent mitzvot only apply …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 1, Mishna 8Can daughter of a priest become impure for the dead? Can Jewish men remove beards? If a woman has a beard, can she shave it? What does “corners of the beard” mean? Is there a difference …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 1, Mishna 8Why are women exempt from positive time-bound mitzvahs? Why are there so many exceptions to this? Why are women exempt from studying Torah? Why do we derive this law from tefillin rather than sukkah? Why aren’t …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 1, Mishna 8What are our obligations to honor parents when it costs us monetary loss? Why stand for farmer bringing first fruits but not Torah scholar? Does one show reverence in a bathhouse? When is one obligated to …

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