  • Topics covered:Chapter 2, Mishna 8What happens if you intermingle tithed and untithed produce? Can things that can’t be done sequentially be done simultaneously? Is betrothal that can’t lead to consummation betrothal? What happens when you betroth one of two women, …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 2, Mishna 4, 5, 6, 7, 8How can someone be coerced into fulfilling a pledge against his will? Are unspoken matters legally insignificant? Do a man’s thoughts/assumptions matter in creating betrothal? What is relevance of where the betrothal …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 2, Mishna 3, 4 What is the special procedure when priest wants to divorce his wife? What is difference between an ordinary document and a tied document? Is there a betrothal if one misled a woman with …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 2, Mishna 2, 3How/when can promissory note create betrothal? Does paper worth one peruta create betrothal? Does woman have to know when document of betrothal is being written? Can man forgiving payment from woman create a betrothal? Does …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 2, Mishna 2, 3How/when can promissory note create betrothal? Does paper worth one peruta create betrothal? Does woman have to know when document of betrothal is being written? Can man forgiving payment from woman create a betrothal? Does …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 2, Mishna 2Can woman be betrothed with dates that she ate but each one was worth less than one peruta? When we link items without a conjunction, do we mean AND or OR? What can create pigul? Can …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 2, Mishna 1, 2Does a minor married to a priest without father’s consent eat terumah? When does father lose the right to betroth his daughter? When does sex create betrothal? Does minor girl have to marry seducer if …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 2, Mishna 1What happens if minor gets betrothed without permission of her father? Does she require a get to end the marriage? Can a man marry his ex-wife’s sister? What is levirate marriage procedure when deceased man had …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 2, Mishna 1Can an agent become a witness? If someone lends money in presence of witnesses, does money have to be repaid in presence of witnesses? Does a young woman or her father acquire bill of divorce? What …

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