Topics covered:Chapter 9, Mishna 3If someone gives carpenter wood to make a bowl and carpenter ruined it, what is liability? Does craftsman acquire ownership rights through enhancement of vessel? What if homeowner’s herbs are ruined by the dyer? What if …
Topics covered:Chapter 9, Mishna 2, 3Is money that fell into sea considered lost? What is the king’s mountain? When is someone exempt from human law but not laws of heaven? Is there liability when damage is caused by indirect action? …
Topics covered:Chapter 9, Mishna 2How is legal status of stolen slave different than other property. Does master get compensated for loss of stolen slave’s labor? When a Jew owes another Jew money, can substitutions be made? Is slave’s labor worth …
Topics covered:Chapter 9, Mishna 1, 2If item is stolen by a Jew from a Jew, but non-Jew comes to own it, does that affect penalty for robber? What qualifies as a significant change (to a stolen item)? What is relevance …
Topics covered:Chapter 9, Mishna 1How did sages make it easier for robber to change his wicked ways? What is penalty if robber steals a pregnant cow and returns it after it gives birth? Does one acquire an item due to …
Topics covered:Chapter 9, Mishna 1Can prostitute’s payment be sacrificed on altar? Can one make blessing over separating challah made from stolen wheat? If robber steals something, enhances it and returns it, is he entitled to compensation from owner? What is …
Topics covered:Chapter 8, Mishna 5, Chapter 9, Mishna 1Why shouldn’t you tell someone “God will judge you!” How was curse on Sarah fulfilled on her descendants? Does someone get compensation from pain if he doesn’t lose a part of his …
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