Topics covered:Chapter 1, Mishna 1What are questions that can’t be answered until Eliyahu comes? What if two people disagree about how much each deposited? What is the disincentive for liars? How to tell if one depositor is a swindler and …
Topics covered:Chapter 1, Mishna 1What happens if two people claim ownership of found object? What if it’s an animal? When is finders keepers? Does seeing a lost item first mean you found it? When is an oath required from finders? …
Topics covered:Chapter 10, Mishna 11, 12Re: thief, what does “God takes away his soul” mean (from Book of Job)? Is it soul of robber or robbed that is taken away? When/what can one purchase from women? Can item be purchased …
Topics covered:Chapter 10, Mishna 8, 9, 10, 11Is it ever acceptable to return another’s property in an unsettled area? What if someone isn’t sure if he returned borrowed money? What it neither he nor creditor remembers if he paid? What …
Topics covered:Chapter 10, Mishna 6, 7Is robber responsible for reimbursing owner if thugs were about to steal everything anyway? Is one who intermingles terumah with another person’s non-sacred produce liable to pay fine? Are liabilities ever incurred simultaneously? Is Jew …
Topics covered:Chapter 10, Mishna 5, 6How to separate terumah if all of produce is impure? What if you buy produce but you’re not sure if it was tithed? Can you give impure oil to a priest? Why is there more …
Topics covered:Chapter 10, Mishna 4, 5What if someone recognizes his stolen items in possession of someone who purchased it? Can we force current owner to give/sell back to him? Is a rumor considered evidence? Can we take property from someone …
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