  • Chapter 3, Mishna 1, 2Topics covered:What is difference between law of deposits and law of collateral?When is creditor or debtor obligated to take an oath?What if collateral is stolen?How can creditor trust the debtor?What if owner of palace receives deposit …

  • Chapter 3, Mishna 1Topics covered:What if animal entrusted to unpaid bailee is lost or stolen, but bailee doesn’t want to swear an oath?To whom does thief pay double payment?What is legal difference between an animal or vessel deposited with unpaid …

  • Chapter 2, Mishna 12, 13Topics covered:Who gets priority for help, enemy loading or friend unloading animal?Why would you have to prioritize helping your enemy over helping your friend?Does this apply to a non-Jewish enemy?Why does a Jew have more obligations …

  • Chapter 2, Mishna 11, 12Topics covered:How is someone’s responsibility to return lost item calculated?How does the finder’s salary impact his responsibility to return lost item?If animal is lost in a graveyard, does kohen have obligation to return it?When is passerby …

  • Chapter 2, Mishna 11Topics covered:What are extra details that indicate that an animal is lost?How can one tell if an animal is grazing on a path or running away?When is an animal running on the path not lost property?When must …

  • Chapter 2, Mishna 10, 11Topics covered:Can finder ventilate garment for prestige? Can he wear it?Can one who finds a lost garment spread it for both his and its sake?What is relevance of red heifer doing work on its own volition?What …

  • Chapter 2, Mishna 6Topics covered:What is notable about a garment as mentioned in the law of returning lost objects in Deut 22?Are distinguishing marks as good as witness testimony?What is derived by requirement to return donkey/sheep/ox?Does finder have to return …

  • Chapter 2, Mishna 9, 10Topics covered:When is finder liable to pay restitution to owner for using found money?Is finder of lost item like an unpaid bailee or unpaid bailee?Is finder liable for damage to item caused by circumstances beyond his …

  • Chapter 2, Mishna 6, 7, 8, 9Topics covered:How does finder scrutinize whether self-proclaimed owner is swindler or not?What if two self-proclaimed owners correctly describe distinguishing marks on item?What if each self-proclaimed owner brings witnesses that bring different proofs of ownership?What …

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