  • Chapter 5, Mishna 1, 2, 3, 4Topics covered:If price of gourds changes after purchase but before delivery, is price adjusted or is that considered interest?What are rules of changing value of gourds regarding prohibition of interest?Can one who borrows money …

  • Chapter 5, Mishna 1Topics covered:Can artifice be used to circumvent prohibition against charging interest?Can borrowed produce be substituted with another kind of grain? Wine?What is relevance of whether seller has possession of what he’s selling?What is relevance of delayed delivery?What …

  • Chapter 5, Mishna 1Topics covered:What if someone buys wheat, takes possession but doesn’t pay money until later and value increased?When does earthly court step in and when does heavenly court exact justice?What is penalty for one who lends at interest?Who …

  • Chapter 5, Mishna1Topics covered:Can a Jew ever lend with interest?What is difference between interest (neshech) and increase (tarbit)?When can there be neshech without tarbit? Vice versa?Why does Torah include both words?Is law different for loan of food versus loan of …

  • Chapter 4, Mishna 8, 9, 10Topics covered:What are three references to verbal mistreatment in Torah?What can’t you say to a convert?Why are there specific rules regarding how we treat a convert?Why can’t we intermingle produce from different producers?Why is wine …

  • Chapter 4, Mishna 8Topics covered:What is exploitation in words?What is verbal mistreatment?Why should we not be like friends of Job?How is penalty for verbal mistreatment different from one for monetary mistreatment?Who are the three who don’t ascend from gehinna?What are …

  • Chapter 4, Mishna 7Topics covered:When is sanctity of consecrated animal transferred to another animal?If you borrow something and return it the next week, but value has increased, is that usury?How do we learn from a generalization/detail/generalization in Torah?With what items …

  • Chapter 4, Mishna 6, 7Topics covered:Is Rabbi Meir stricter than the other Sages when it comes to enforcing rabbinic decrees, or more lenient?What can we learn from laws of divorce that applies to doubtfully tithed produce?Which items are not subject …

  • Chapter 4, Mishna 4, 5, 6Topics covered:What is subject to laws of meilah?What kind of property is “devoted entirely to heaven?”Is non-kosher animal subject to same laws of consecration as kosher animal?When can a consecrated animal be exchanged for another …

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