  • Chapter 10, Mishna 4, 5, 6Topics covered:Can worker be forced to take produce as payment rather than money?Can worker keep item he finds while working?Can worker take produce as wages from ownerless property?When does viewing property affect acquisition?When does ownerless …

  • Chapter 10, Mishna 3, 4Topics covered:When does resident of upper story have to pay rent to stay in lower story?What is relevance owner of dyed wool?Can one benefit from another’s property without paying for it?Does asmachta transfer ownership?What if house …

  • Chapter 10, Mishna 1, 2Topics covered:What happens if two-family house collapses?What is relevance of how collapse happens?What if house collapses at night and nobody sees how it happened?Who can take unbroken stones of collapsed house?When does certain claim trump uncertain …

  • Chapter 9, Mishna 12, 13, 14Topics covered:Who gets collateral if poor debtor dies?How does Sabbatical year affect collateral?When do spoken words matter just like a financial commitment?Can you take collateral from widow?When does king violate the prohibition of not having …

  • Chapter 9, Mishna 12Topics covered:Which objects can be seized as collateral for a loan?For a pledge to the Holy Temple?From a wealthy person?From a poor person?What is considered a “significant” pledge?Why was Elijah standing in a graveyard?What is the scent …

  • Chapter 9, Mishna 12Topics covered:Can collateral be taken without being established at time of borrowing?When/where can collateral be seized by creditor?Can creditor enter debtor’s house to take collateral? Can an agent of the court?What can and can’t be taken as …

  • Chapter 9, Mishna 11Topics covered:When does an employer become liable for violating the prohibition on delaying a worker’s wages?Does it matter if the worker has claim d his wages or not?Is the fee owed to a craftsman different from the …

  • Chapter 9, Mishna 10, 11Topics covered:When must an hourly worker be paid?How can one be in violation of all five prohibitions of withholding wages?What are different types of oppression?When does law of wage oppression apply?What if one hires gentile noahide …

  • Chapter 9, Mishna 9, 10Topics covered:What do we edo when creditor has rights to produce of an orchard, but the trees die?If a wive inherits an orchard, and the trees die, what does the husband get?When creditor and debtor dispute …

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