Topics covered: Appreciate this class? Support our nonprofit. NOW MORE THAN EVER, we need your help so we can keep paying our staff. Recurring monthly donations are especially valued during these uncertain times.
Topics covered: The Divine Presence rests over the sick. Beis Hillel vs. Beis Shammai re killing lice on Shabbos, as well as matchmaking, betrothal, hiring a teacher, comforting mourners and visiting the sick. COVID-19 and kavod 19 – honoring …
Topics covered: Four wisdom teachings of Rava bar Mechasya in the name of Rav Chama bar Gurya in the name of Rav, including the impossibility of comprehending the mind of government. New mishna with prohibitions to protect us from …
Topics covered: Why some wear a gartel, a special belt for prayer. Should we dress up to pray? When should we start eating in the morning? Do we discuss Torah or greet with Shalom in the bathhouse? Giving a …
Topics covered: Starting a new mishna on prohibited activities for being too close to the afternoon Amidah, the Standing Prayer. Transitioning to a discussion of the onset of Shabbos, and why we did not begin Tractate Shabbos there, but …
Today’s class is sponsored by Daniel Uretsky in honor of the rabbis who are working hard to protect the community both physically and spiritually. Topics covered: Connecting todays page of Talmud (private domain reaches up to the sky) to …
Tonight’s Class is dedicated in the memory of Dorit bar Zelig HaCohen v’Chana. Topics covered: Field surrounded by a fence, but not by residences, is a private domain but we may not carry four cubits, like a karmelis. The …
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