  •   Topics covered: Rabbi Yehuda ha Nasi was the chief rabbi. Why did he defer to a student who disagreed with his ruling? Insulating cold food to keep it cold 🥶. Adding insulation for the first time on Shabbos. Introducing …

  •   Topics covered: Counting the Omer. Woolen fleece distinguished from cow hides re insulating a pot and muktzeh on Shabbos. How do we designate an otherwise prohibited object for a permitted use on Shabbos? Learn from firewood (muktzeh) which may …

  •   Topics Covered: Unstitching a neck opening or a pocket on Shabbos. Striking the final blow. Insulating a pot with dove’s wings. The Tale of Elisha, Man of Wings. Insulating with hides. Homeowner vs. craftsman. An object one is particular …

  •   Topics covered: An incident with Rabba at the home of the Exilarch. How did Rav Zeira become Rabbi Zeira? Inspirational moments from Zeira’s life: yearning for Israel, entering on a rickety bridge, learning from R’ Yochanan, humility, meticulousness in …

  •   Topics covered: We moved the coal pan full of ashes at Rebbi’s house on Shabbos: why not muktzeh? Removing what is disgusting from the house. Muktzeh and non-muktzeh items in a vessel – can we move it? Hastening the …

  •   Topics covered: Which Sages hold by the concept of muktzeh, set-aside throughout Shabbos, and which do not? Must they be consistent, or can they change their behavior depending on whose house they’re visiting? Wagon takes on status of money …

  •   Topics covered: Muktzeh exists by Rabbi Yehuda, but not by Rabbi Shimon, except in the limited case of dried figs and raisins. Moving a new oil lamp vs an old, lit vs extinguished, lit vs never lit on Shabbos. …

  •   Topics covered: Catching oil from a Shabbos lamp vs. catching sparks. What is set aside? Negating the preparedness of a permitted vessel is like breaking it. Moving a corpse out of the sun, or creating shade for it. Atypical …

  •   Topics covered: Unintentional act vs. labor not for its own sake. Cold water into a hot vessel on Shabbos. Concern that you are hardening metal or striking the final blow. Primary and secondary vessels. White hot metal that endangers …

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