Topics covered: R’ Yochanan and Reish Lakish dispute the definition of an “unwitting” sinner. Is it enough that he is unaware of the punishment even if he knows that a labor is forbidden on Shabbos? Defining kares, excision, the …
Topics covered: One who forgets the essence of Shabbos (that it exists and applies to Jews) brings one sin-offering for all the Shabbats he violated. Who is this person? Rav and Shmuel liken him to the child-captive raised among non-Jews …
Topics covered: Cures for fevers that require lots of gathering. Cures that also require reciting Torah verses. If used “magically” this is a forbidden practice, but if the verses may inspire reflection and repentance, it’s good. Words to ward …
Topics covered: Amputee going out with a wooden leg on Shabbos. Confusion re the conflicting opinions of Rabbis Meir and Yosei. Rav solved the conflict with a gesture while praying silently. Wooden sandal and chalitzah, the ceremony for declining …
Topics covered: Marit ha’ayin – appearance of impropriety. If Sages prohibit something due to marit ha’ayin, it is prohibited even in private when the public cannot see. Like dryhing wet clothes on Shabbos. Exceptions. False tooth. Gold tooth. Coin …
Topics covered: A woman MAY go out on Shabbos with hair braided into her own in most cases. She may go out with a wig or woolen cap to the courtyard. This has changed in modern times and we …
Topics covered: Carrying weapons on Shabbos is prohibited Biblically according to the Rabbis, R’ Eliezer permits because he considers them ornaments. This dispute is tied to the nature of weapons and whether they will still be worn in the Messianic …
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