Topics covered: Why is the minimum measure for liability to bring a sin offering for carrying water unwittingly on Shabbos measured according to the tiny amount of water in an eye bandage when water is so much more commonly …
Topics covered: Open Chapter 8. Minimum measures of liquids to become liable for carrying out on Shabbos. Wine in Talmudic times required dilution. Significant if enough to create a cup of blessing, to be held while reciting the grace …
Topics covered: Finishing Chapter 7 of Tractate Shabbos. Minimum measure of various animal foods for which one becomes liable to bring a sin offering if he carried them out unwittingly on Shabbos. Examples: enough straw to fill a cow’s …
Topics covered: Three teachings of Rav Zutra bar Toviya: 1) don’t tighten loose stitches in a garment on Shabbos, 2) prohibited to learn from a “magosh” in order to do, 3) one who knows how to calculate astronomical movements …
Topics covered: Connecting the 39 forbidden labors of Shabbos, defined by the work needed to build the Tabernacle, to Torah Portion Bamidbar. Why so much emphasis on a temporary structure? The Tabernacle is actually called Mishkan, Dwelling, or Ohel …
Topics covered: Distinguishing between Rava’s lenient opinion and Abaye’s stringent opinion on liability to bring a sin-offering for certain unwitting violations of Shabbos. Opening Mishnah 2 of Chapter 7, the 39 forbidden labors of Shabbos. Why is sowing mentioned …
Topics covered: Asham, guilt offering, distinguished from the chatas, sin offering. Three categories of asham offerings: 1) nazirite/tzara’as, 2) asham of uncertainnty and 3) the definite asham. Highly specific case of the Canaanite slave who was half-free and betrothed …
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