  •   Topics covered: Why is the minimum measure for liability to bring a sin offering for carrying water unwittingly on Shabbos measured according to the tiny amount of water in an eye bandage when water is so much more commonly …

  •   Topics covered: Open Chapter 8. Minimum measures of liquids to become liable for carrying out on Shabbos. Wine in Talmudic times required dilution. Significant if enough to create a cup of blessing, to be held while reciting the grace …

  •   Topics covered: Finishing Chapter 7 of Tractate Shabbos. Minimum measure of various animal foods for which one becomes liable to bring a sin offering if he carried them out unwittingly on Shabbos. Examples: enough straw to fill a cow’s …

  •   Topics covered: Three teachings of Rav Zutra bar Toviya: 1) don’t tighten loose stitches in a garment on Shabbos, 2) prohibited to learn from a “magosh” in order to do, 3) one who knows how to calculate astronomical movements …

  •   Topics covered: Connecting the 39 forbidden labors of Shabbos, defined by the work needed to build the Tabernacle, to Torah Portion Bamidbar. Why so much emphasis on a temporary structure? The Tabernacle is actually called Mishkan, Dwelling, or Ohel …

  •   Topics covered: Distinguishing between Rava’s lenient opinion and Abaye’s stringent opinion on liability to bring a sin-offering for certain unwitting violations of Shabbos. Opening Mishnah 2 of Chapter 7, the 39 forbidden labors of Shabbos. Why is sowing mentioned …

  •   Topics covered: Asham, guilt offering, distinguished from the chatas, sin offering. Three categories of asham offerings: 1) nazirite/tzara’as, 2) asham of uncertainnty and 3) the definite asham. Highly specific case of the Canaanite slave who was half-free and betrothed …

  •   Topics Covered: A person ate two pieces of cheilev, fobidden fat, in one lapse of awareness. He realizes the first piece was off limits, and then later realizes the second piece was prohibitted too. R’ Yochanan says he brings …

  •   Topics covered: How do we derive the 39 categories of prohibited labor on Shabbos? Why do we bring a separate sin-offering for each unwitting violation of a category? Why is the penalty so severe for an intentional transgression, and …

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