Topics covered: Rabbi Akiva says a person is liable for violating the Torah prohibition of carrying on Shabbat if he throws an object from one balcony (private domain) to another balcony (private domain) over the street (public domain). The …
Topics covered: We may not throw an object from a private domain to a public domain and vice versa on Shabbos. Throwing from private domain to private domain does not result in liability to bring a sin offering, but …
Topics covered: No braiding hair on Shabbos, which we learn from the Holy One, for Whom the acme of the whole creation was Eve, and the final touch was braiding her hair. In this case, braiding is a rabbinic …
Topics covered: Vessel secondary to what’s in it for purposes of carrying on Shabbos. A bed with a living, awake person on it can be carried out, but a bed with a corpse on it, or with nothing on …
Topics covered: One who carries a heavy object outside on Shabbos is liable. If two carry an object that either could have carried alone, they are exempt. If they carry an object so heavy it requires two, they are …
Topics covered: One who steals a purse on Shabbos is liable for theft unless he drags it along the ground. WHAT?! We unpack this concept in the video. 🙂 What happens when someone becomes liable for two harms caused …
Topics covered: Opening Chapter 10. One who stores seeds renders them significant even if less than the minimum measure for liability for carrying on Shabbos. If he carries and returns without using them, he shows that they’re not significant, but …
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