  •   Topics covered: If a member of a group dies, all members of the group should be concerned. What constitutes a group? Not defined, and therefore we should cultivate an expansive definition of this idea in our lives, as John …

  •   Topics covered: The minimum measure to be Biblically liable for writing on Shabbos is two letters that form a word or carry some distinct meaning. What about one letter that symbolizes something? R’ Yehoshua ben Beteira says yes, Rabbis …

  •   Topics covered: To be liable for writing on Shabbos, one must write two letters that endure, which generally means they spell a word. One example is Shem, a name made from the first two letters the longer name Shimon. …

  •   Topics covered: What is makeh b’patish, striking the final blow, and how does it differ from boneh, building? Chiseling a stone in any amount is striking the final blow, even if you plan to chisel more. Striking an anvil, …

  •   Topics covered: Ending ch. 11 and opening ch. 12. To be liable to bring a sin-offering for violating a biblical Shabbos prohibition, one’s intent must be unwitting at the beginning and end of the carrying/throwing from domain to domain, …

  •   Topics covered: Seas and rivers are neither private domain nor public, but rather the in-between “karmelis,” so if we throw an object from sea to land or vice versa on Shabbos, we are exempt from bringing a sin offering …

  •   Topics covered: To be liable for carrying or throwing on Shabbos, one must first make a valid taking and finish with a valid placing of the object. If one draws water from water, or pours water into water, one …

  •   Topics covered: The top of a rock ten handbreadths high and four handbreadths wide is its own private domain and one is liable for carrying onto it on Shabbos. Likewise a pit with a bank ten handbreadths high, even …

  •   Topics covered: Throwing an object from public domain to public domain through a private domain. The stringent prohibition on passing an object from private domain to private domain across the pblic domain, despite the fact that one who thows …

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