Topics covered: Opening Chapter 16, and emotional, counter-instinctual laws regarding a fire that breaks out on Shabbos. Life must of course be saved, but most property cannot due to extinguishing, carrying, and preparation-for-use restrictions on Shabbos. The Sages, however, …
Topics covered: Shabbos isn’t something we have to do so much as it’s something we get to do! We honor God and Shabbos by dressing up. This also applies during the week (though to a lesser extent since Shabbos …
Topics covered: One may temporarily repair/replace the rope of a bucket in a well, but not by replacing it with a rope and knot that could become permament. Rabbi Yehuda disagrees with Rabbi Meir and holds that a bow …
Topics covered: Permitted knots on Shabbos include the the openinings of a woman’s robe, hairnet and undergarment. Also a shoe, sandal, the cover of a wine or oil jug, and a rope before a domesticated animal to keep it …
Topics covered: FInishing Ch. 14 and opening Ch. 15. We may not drink vinegar for a toothache on Shabbos because people don’t drink vinegar. But we may dip bread in it and eat and if it heals, it heals. …
Topics covered: Procedure for discouraging or evading a pursuing, angry snake. This snake suggests demonic forces at work, and the procedures contain spiritual as well as physical elements. The world may have been less firm, more “fluid” in earlier …
Topics covered: Mar Ukva, the Reish Galusa (Exilarch of the Jewish community in Bavel) was happy to share eye salves he’d received from Shmuel, who was also a doctor, but it is better to follow Shmuel’s advice for preventing …
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