  •   Topics covered: An 8th day circumcision overrides a festival just as it does Shabbos, but its facilitators, like bringing the scalpel which could have been done before the festival, do not. Slaughtering the Paschal lamb or kid on the …

  •   Topics covered: Until now we’ve assumed that an 8th day circumcision overrides the restrictions of Shabbos, but how do we know that? It’s not written explicitly in the Torah. All the Sages agree on this law, but they dig …

  •   Topics Covered: This whole page teaches Rabbi Eliezer’s opinions and their derivations in the matter of mitzvahs that override Shabbos, as well as their facilitating actions. The Sages, however, held like Rabbi Akiva who ruled that even if a …

  •   Topics Covered: Opening Chapter 19, what happens when a cricumcision falls on Shabbos? We perform it. Rabbi Eliezer says we violate Shabbos to carry the scalpel if it was not brought before Shabbos, and we even manufacture a scalpel …

  •   Topics covered: Closing Chapter 18 with Mishna 3, when a woman gives birth on Shabbos we provide anything she requests, even if it’s for her emotional and mental comfort rather than to save her from physical danger. We also …

  •   Topics covered: We can move a certain amount of stored grain on Shabbos to make room for guests or the teaching of Torah, but we may not move inedible foods. Inedible means something that neither humans nor animals will …

  •   Topics Covered: Shevut ecompasses Rabbinic decrees designed either to protect us from committing Biblical transgressions or to enhance the sanctity, spirituality and beauty of Shabbos. The first Mishnah of Chapter 18 teaches that we may move some of our …

  •   Topics covered: Some objects are muktzeh, set aside from use on Shabbos, because they’re so valuable no one would use them for anything other than their intended, non-Shabbos purpose. Others are muktzeh because they’re repulsive, like the stuff we …

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