  •   Topics covered: Who was Shimon ben Elazar? Highest form of wisdom per Maimonides. Why we use balsam oil in Shabbos lamp. Horror story of the mother-in-law who hated her daughter-in-law. Linen garments vs other materials. Corpse tumah (ritual impurity) …

  •   Topics covered: Source for Kohen’s (Priest’s) permission to light a room with disqualified Terumah oil. No tar in Shabbos lamp. Bathing before Shabbos is obligatory, at least face, hands, feet. Shatnetz (prohibited wool/linen mixture) in a prayer shawl. Sages …

  •   Topics covered: Hanukkah mentioned in Grace After Meals and Amidah. All steady oils permitted in Shabbos lamp, olive oil preferred. Understanding “burnt oil” – disqualified Terumah of the Priest that may not be used in. Shabbos lamp because it …

  •   Topics covered: Essence of Hanukkah/Chanukah – lighting or placing the lamp? Obligation of a deaf-mute. Blessing says God commanded us to kindle the Hanukkah light, but it’s not in the Torah! Source of God commanding us to follow rabbinic …

  •   Topics covered: Liability if a Hanukkah menorah causes a fire. Connection to prayer gatherings in time of coronavirus. How high may the menorah be placed? Connection to the roof of a sukkah. May one Hanukkah lamp light another? Connection …

  •   Topics covered: Why some materials are prohibited in the wicks and oils of the Shabbos lamp. Using a prohibited nut float the wick. Same materials prohibited in the Temple menorah for a different reason, but permitted in the Hanukkah …

  •   Topics covered: Optional activities which must be completed before Shabbat begins, like roasting meat and baking bread, and how do we define completion? The bonfire that warmed the Temple priests in the Chamber of the Hearth. Bonfires outside the …

  •   Topics covered: Selling leavened foods to a gentile before Passover. Giving food to a dog on Shabbos if the dog is likely to transfer that food from private to publc domain. On the eve of Shabbos: giving mail to …

  •   Topics Covered: Activities one ought not commence just before Shabbos begins even if they proceed by themselves. Water power vs animal power in a mill. Grinding is not respectful of Shabbos. Renting a mill, or a kosher deli, to …

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