  •   Topics covered: Starting a new mishna on prohibited activities for being too close to the afternoon Amidah, the Standing Prayer. Transitioning to a discussion of the onset of Shabbos, and why we did not begin Tractate Shabbos there, but …

  •   Today’s class is sponsored by Daniel Uretsky in honor of the rabbis who are working hard to protect the community both physically and spiritually. Topics covered: Connecting todays page of Talmud (private domain reaches up to the sky) to …

  •   Tonight’s Class is dedicated in the memory of Dorit bar Zelig HaCohen v’Chana. Topics covered: Field surrounded by a fence, but not by residences, is a private domain but we may not carry four cubits, like a karmelis. The …

  •   Topics covered: Domains for the sake of transfer on Shabbos: Public vs. Private vs. Karmelis. Ben Azzai says walking is like standing. Three punishments depending on awareness and warning: liable to bring a chatas (sin-offering), stoning, or death at …

  •   Topics covered: Creating Rabbinic prohibitions to prevent people from violating Biblical prohibitions is complicated due to unintended consequences. The Karmelis is a Rabbinic construct. Exempt generally means Rabbinically prohibited with three exceptions: trapping deer, trapping poisonous snake, or lancing …

  •   Topics covered: Intro to Talmudic reasoning. Liable to a sin offering biblically vs. exempt biblically but still prohibited rabbinically vs. permitted. The case of the poor man outside and the homeowner inside: if they combine to violate Shabbos, why …

  •   Topics covered: Why can we make up a missed Amidah but not a Shema? Rabba’s insight could uproot mountains, Rav Yosef’s knowledge encompassed the entire tradition since Sinai. Which takes precedence? Torah scholars increase peace in the world 🌎 …

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