Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 1 From where do the Sages derive their units of measurement? Some from Written Torah, some from Oral Torah. The seven species which characterize the abundance of the Land of Israel – wheat, barley, …
Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 1 We make carrying possible on Shabbos in a three-sided alley (into which private courtyards open) by adding a crossbeam above the alley, where it opens into the public thoroughfare. The mishna said this …
Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 1 Background on Shabbos, carrying, earlier stringencies of the prophets due to widespread desecration and leniencies of the Sages to protect Shabbos while keeping it a delight. How do we make carrying possible in …
Topics covered: Chapter 24, Mishnas 4,5 We may not chop wood for a fire on a Festival if the wood was intended for construction at the outset of the Festival. We may slaughter domesticated animals for a meal on …
Topics covered: Chapter 24, Mishna 3, 4 “Shatit” dip may be mixed on Shabbos, but its method of prep should be altered. Related teachings brought down from the notebooks of Zeiri and Levi, who learned before Rabbi Chiyya and …
Topics covered: We may untie bundles of grain for our animals on Shabbos, but we may not chop hay or carobs because those are edible as is. Principle: we make sure our animals can eat, so we render the …
Topics covered: Chapter 24 Mishna 1 What to do with a donkey carrying a heavy burden on the road and it becomes Shabbos? Since we allow the person to reach his destination before unloading the animal is he not …
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