Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 2 Beis Shammai and Beis Hillel disagree on how to correct an alleyway so carrying is permitted there on Shabbos. A certain student gives his own interpretation of the dispute. Who is this student? …
Topics Covered: “Tefach” – handsbreadth measurement (between 3 & 4 inches) Rav Ashi “non”ruling on doorways (tzuras hapesach) Creating space/reality: Shofar blowing – confusing Satan Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal – blessing and curse location, defined. Temple location not …
Topics Covered: Quick synopsis of lessons from yesterday’s class with pics! Rav says doorway won’t solve gap more than 10 cubits. Rav Yochanan agrees – proof from story of farmer in Beis Charvasan who spread a vine around 4 …
Topics Covered: Sidepost visible from outside the alley but not inside. Proof from Rav Chiya that it works. Question from case of small courtyard open to large courtyard, ostensibly showing that it does not work. Walls of small courtyard …
Topics covered: The Talmud Eruvin 9a tells us that if a Koreh (beam) or Lechi (upright) that’s either drawn from one or both walls of the alleyway or suspended in the air – as long as it’s within 3 …
Topics Covered: We shared an insight from Parshas Reeh (Deut. 14:6-8) how from at least one logical inference, Moses could not (and would not) have written the Torah himself. E.G. how could he have possibly known that there were …
Filling in for Sal while he and his family are on vacation is Rabbi Aaron Parry! Topics covered: Torah is like a lemon. Why are there Talmudic disputes all together? Story from Talmud about 2 sages greeting a 3rd. …
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