  •   Topics covered: The Rabbis decreed that idols transmit tumah, ritual impurity. R’ Akiva refers to a source in Isaiah, but R’ Adin Steinsaltz explains that this is more of a memory aid than a proof text. The decree is …

  •   Topics covered: Minimum measures for Shabbos-carrying liability: bone, glass, pebbles and stones. Rabbi Yehuda is generally more stringent than his colleagues. On the subject of stones, Zunin inquires about maximum size used for wiping oneself after going to the …

  •   Topics covered: Minimum measures for ink, dried figs and lime. Do half measures of dried figs add up to create liability for violating Shabbos if carried out in separate trips? Sometimes yes. From this we learn that we have …

  •   Topics covered: Liability for carrying the promissory note of a debt that was paid off. Is it significant? Are we allowed to keep it? Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbis disagree. What is between them? Depends on whether a note may …

  •   Topics covered: Why is the minimum measure for liability to bring a sin offering for carrying water unwittingly on Shabbos measured according to the tiny amount of water in an eye bandage when water is so much more commonly …

  •   Topics covered: Open Chapter 8. Minimum measures of liquids to become liable for carrying out on Shabbos. Wine in Talmudic times required dilution. Significant if enough to create a cup of blessing, to be held while reciting the grace …

  •   Topics covered: Finishing Chapter 7 of Tractate Shabbos. Minimum measure of various animal foods for which one becomes liable to bring a sin offering if he carried them out unwittingly on Shabbos. Examples: enough straw to fill a cow’s …

  •   Topics covered: Three teachings of Rav Zutra bar Toviya: 1) don’t tighten loose stitches in a garment on Shabbos, 2) prohibited to learn from a “magosh” in order to do, 3) one who knows how to calculate astronomical movements …

  •   Topics covered: Connecting the 39 forbidden labors of Shabbos, defined by the work needed to build the Tabernacle, to Torah Portion Bamidbar. Why so much emphasis on a temporary structure? The Tabernacle is actually called Mishkan, Dwelling, or Ohel …

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