Chapter 6, Mishna 2 What is a “cellar’s worth” of wine? What is the wine that is sold in the shops? What if seller says he’s selling barrel without mentioning wine, is he liable if wine is sour? Is there …
Chapter 6, Mishna 1 What if buyer comes to sift produce and finds there is more than acceptable amount of impurity? Why is seller responsible to pay for all produce even part that isn’t impure? Is it a strict law …
Chapter 6, Mishna 1, 2 What if cow and fetus are killed by innocuous ox but it’s unclear whether ox caused death of fetus? How much does owner of ox pay for damage to fetus if it’s unclear if ox …
Chapter 6, Mishna 1 If buyer purchases seeds and uses it for unintended use, when is seller liable if seeds don’t sprout? Does buyer of ox need to notify seller what he wants to use ox for? When is seller …
Chapter 5, Mishna 11 How to prevent poor people from having to pay more than they can afford? What produce can’t be exported from Israel? Is there a difference between exporting wine and oil? When may one pray for personal …
Chapter 5, Mishna 11 Why should fulcrum of balance scale be suspended from air? How to ensure scales are accurate and fair? What distance must fulcrum be from ceiling and from ground for different kinds of wares? Why can’t scale …
Chapter 5, Mishna 11 How can we be sure not to cheat anyone in business? How often must storekeeper clean his scales and weights? When must seller let scales tip an extra handsbreadth? Why is punishment for using false measures …
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