  •   Topics covered: We may untie bundles of grain for our animals on Shabbos, but we may not chop hay or carobs because those are edible as is. Principle: we make sure our animals can eat, so we render the …

  •   Topics covered: Chapter 24 Mishna 1 What to do with a donkey carrying a heavy burden on the road and it becomes Shabbos? Since we allow the person to reach his destination before unloading the animal is he not …

  •   Topics covered: Chapter 23, Mishna 6, Chapter 24, Mishna 1 R’ Abbahu says the souls of the righteous shuttle back and forth between this world and the World of Souls for a year after death. Rav says that if …

  •   Topics covered: Chapter 23, Mishna 6 Sages weigh in on death and aging. The old lose many abilities, but gain much perspective. And even the loss of abilities can be a blessing because they’re excused when they don’t want …

  •   Topics covered: Chapter 23, Mishnas 4, 5, 6 We are more lenient re waiting at the Shabbos boundary if attending to the needs of a corpse or a bride. A Jewish corpse may not be buried after Shabbos in …

  •   Topics covered: Chapter 23, Mishna 3 We may not hire workers on Shabbos to perform work after Shabbos. Nor may we engage a non-Jew to do this task for us. We can’t use subterfuge to talk business, nor employ …

  •   Topics covered: Chapter 23, Mishna 2 Continuing our discussion of practices prohibited on Shabbos because they are like business dealings. One may not read from a list to count expected guests expected at a Shabbos meal. One may draw …

  •   Topics covered: Chapter 23, Mishna 1 Business dealing prohibited on Shabbos by Rabbinic decree. Now we study some situations that may or may not fall under this restriction. We may borrow jugs of wine or oil on Shabbos for …

  •   Topics covered: Finishing Chapter 22, Mishnas 4,5 Rav Huna shares the counterintuitive teaching that people who are particular about their clothes may not dust them off on Shabbos, while people who are not particular may do so. We may …

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