Topics covered: Begin Chapter 8, Mishna 7, 8 Sanctification of the New Moon. Slaughtering the Pascal lamb on behalf of people fit to eat it now, but who may not be fit by tonight, like acute mourners, one digging for …
Topics covered: Begin Chapter 8, Mishna 6 Why are we commanded to REMEMBER TO FORGET Amalek? May we slaughter the Passover lamb on behalf of one who is tamei, ritually impure, at this moment and therefore unfit for the lamb, …
Topics covered: Begin Chapter 8, Mishna 3, 4, 5 Until when may people join a group registered for a particular Paschal lamb? May we offer a portion of the lamb to our kids as a prize? Until when may a …
Topics covered: Begin Chapter 8, Mishna 1, 2 Why did God send Jews to Babylonia and other countries of exile? Why is the Holy Temple referred to as the House of the God of Jacob, but not Abraham or Isaac? …
Topics covered: Chapter 8, Mishna 1 This chapter is about who may and who must be included in a group of people registered for a Korban Pesach, the Passover Offering. There was a custom that newlywed wives would return to …
Topics covered: End Chapter 7, Mishna 12, 13 Learning a lesson about whether the doorways of Jerusalem and the Holy Temple were considered part of the sacred spaces they abutted from the status of the rooftops. The roof of the …
Topics covered: Chapter 7, Mishna 11, 12 What happens when part of a Pesach offering leaves its boundary and part stays in? Did the Sages decree ritual impurity on meat that left its boundary, or on meat that left its …
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