  • Topics covered: Chapter 4, Mishna 3 Our mishna discusses the special gold coal pan used on Yom Kippur. The Sages derive that there were different types of gold used in the Temple from 1 Kings 10. Looking there, we learn …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 4, Mishna 3 How isolated must the High Priest be on Yom Kippur while he is bringing certain offerings? Some things require that other priests pull back while he approaches the Divine Presence. Why is the incense …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 4, Mishna 3 Why is it so difficult to to harvest any general principles from the law of the red heifer? The Priests and the Levites in Judaism have certain privileges, but many more obligations! The duties …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 4, Mishna 1 THE WHOLE DAF! Doing the whole page makes this a challenging class. If you’re new to the Talmud, don’t worry, we usually keep it more contained, quicker and more accessible here at AT Daily. …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 4, Mishna 1 A passage from the Zohar which we read prior to the Torah service on Shabbat. The High Priest’s confession over the bull. The red string tied to the scapegoat to be sent into the …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 4, Mishna 1 Sing with joy before the Lord as Shabbos approaches! A prayer for peace and safety. Which parts of the scapegoat ceremony are essential to the atonement it provides for the Jewish nation?

  • Topics covered: Chapter 3, Mishna 7, Chapter 4, Mishna 1 The world ends if there are no righteous people in it, but stands even if there is only one. The High Priest Shimon the Righteous elevated the whole nation. When …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 3, Mishna 5, 6, 7 The bull offering of the High Priest on Yom Kippur, and his confession. The hierarchy of sins. Those who contributed to the Temple are remembered favorably. Not so those who were selfish. …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 3, Mishna 4 The fine linen garments of the High Priest on Yom Kippur were fine indeed! Apropos the wealth of one High Priest who was also a Sage, Rabbi Elazar ben Harsum, we learn that one …

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