  • Topics covered: Chapter 6, Mishna 1 An epic debate between the great rabbis Eliezer and Akiva on whether rabbinic decrees are set aside to perform a mitzvah like slaughtering the Paschal lamb on Shabbos when Passover falls on Saturday night. …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 6, Mishna 1 Not only does slaughtering the Paschal lamb override Shabbos (when Passover begins saturday night) but so do other associated practices like cleaning out the intestines. From there the Sages make a nifty digression to …

  •   Topics covered: Chapter 6, Mishna 1 The Paschal lamb offering, like the daily offering in the Temple, overrides Shabbos (when it is normally prohibited to slaughter animals). These offerings may not be brought by someone who is tamei, ritually …

  •   Topics covered: Chapter 6, Mishna 1 When Passover falls on a Saturday night, and the Temple is standing, the slaughter of the Paschal lamb overrides Shabbos. There was confusion about this law in the late Second Temple period, leading …

  •   Topics covered: Chapter 5, Mishna 5 Remembering our dear friend Schwartzie on his 4th yahrtzeit and telling over the rollicking tale of five chassidic rabbis trying to get on the stage at Woodstock II. If there had to be …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 5, Mishna 5 Our mishna paints a vivid picture of the Paschal lambs being slaughtered and prepared for Passover at the time the Holy Temple was standing in Jerusalem. Incidental to the discussion of how many people …

  •   Topics covered: Chapter 5, Mishna 3, 4 A lesson on Bo vs. Lech, Come vs. Go – what does to mean that God tells Moses “Come to Pharaoh?” The laws from Torah Portion Bo inform everything we’re studying here …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 4, Mishna 7, 8, Chapter 5, Mishna 1, 2, 3 Highlights from the week of pages while Sal was away. Additional customs relating to work on Passover eve. How to say the Shema properly, including pauses and …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 4, Mishna 4, 5, 6 Do we refrain from performing work on the Ninth of Av, when we fast and mourn the destruction of the First and Second Temples? Local customs vary. Torah Scholars must refrain from …

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