  • Topics covered: Chapter 10, Mishna 8, Chapter 1, Mishna 1 Matzah must be eaten by midnight to fulfill one’s obligation to eat matzah on Passover night. Spring is tax season, then as now! All contribute to the communal sacrifices and …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 10, Mishna 7, 8 The matzah afikoman must be the last thing we eat at Seder. What if that’s the only matzah we eat at Seder – did we fulfill our obligation? Sleeping interrupts the festive meal …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 10, Mishna 6, 7 The story of the treasure Joseph gathered for Pharaoh in Egypt, that was passed down through the centuries. God always welcomes the penitent. The modesty/humility of the Patriarchs, Moses, Joshua and David. Attribution …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 10, Mishna 6 What is the “Great Hallel” we recite at the Passover Seder and how does it does it differ from the regular Hallel? Why do the Sages go to extreme lengths to describe the difficulty …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 10, Mishna 5 What does Halleluyah really mean? Is it one word or two? How is it used in the Book of Psalms? The Hallel that we recite on Passover and other holidays, who instituted it? Which …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 10, Mishna 3, 4, 5 Is it a mitzvah to eat charoset at the Seder? What are the Four Questions and why must they be asked? What were the original Four Questions and why did they change? …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 10, Mishna 3 Whom was the Hillel sandwich named after? (Not who you think!) Do we fulfill a Torah obligation when we eat it? Why do we dip the bitter herb? What are the requirements of this …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 10, Mishna 2, 3 Why do we bless the wine before sanctifying the day when we make the Festival Kiddush? What, when and how do we eat when we fulfill our obligation to eat the “bitter herb” …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 10, Mishna 1 Practical advice for protecting your reputation, forging a successful marriage and prosperity in business. The infinite value of being known as one who keeps her/his word. The difficulties of being compassionate, hot-tempered or delicate. …

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