  • Topics covered: Chapter 7, Mishna 4 What does it mean to love God? What does it mean to witness God’s Oneness? How do we “listen” to God’s command? What happens if the meat of the Pesach offering becomes ritually impure …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 7, Mishna 3 What does it mean that the Children of Israel at Mt. Sinai “saw thunder”? Normally, we readily believe what we see and choose to believe (or not) what we hear. At Sinai, this condition …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 7, Mishna 2 What happens when the Paschal lamb comes into contact with the side of a hot oven? Or a prohibited food, either because it is consecrated or non-kosher? A general principal of food-intermingling that can …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 7, Mishna 1 The Passover lamb must be roasted over fire. Can it be cooked on a grill? What are the requirements of such a grill? What about coals? Do wood coals differ from metal coals in …

  •   Topics covered: Chapter 7, Mishna 1 The Passover lamb must be roasted, not cooked or boiled. What does that mean exactly? Why do the sages specify that be roasted on a wooden spit rather than a metal spit?

  •   Topics covered: Chapter 6, Mishna 3 Some beautiful teachings from Rabbi Avraham Twerski M.D., who left this world two days ago, including the dramatic tale of The Wedding, The Czar’s Army and The Miser. We complete Chapter 6 of …

  •   Topics covered: Chapter 6, Mishna 3 Some mistakes are understandable, some are unavoidable, some arise from negligence, and some lie somewhere in between. When such mistakes lead to desecrating Shabbos, they produce different outcomes based on the source of …

  •   Topics covered: Chapter 6, Mishna 2 The tale of Abraham Hyman and John Quincy Adams, who respected the poor Jewish peddler for sticking to the principles of his faith, even if it cost him financially. Distinguishing between four kinds …

  •   Topics covered: Chapter 6, Mishna 2 Do the laws of the the Korban Pesach, the Paschal Lamb, particularly with respect to overriding Shabbos, apply to the optional Chagigah, the Festival Peace-offering, which is brough under certain conditions on the …

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