  • Topics covered: Chapter 8, Mishna 1 This chapter is about who may and who must be included in a group of people registered for a Korban Pesach, the Passover Offering. There was a custom that newlywed wives would return to …

  • Topics covered: End Chapter 7, Mishna 12, 13 Learning a lesson about whether the doorways of Jerusalem and the Holy Temple were considered part of the sacred spaces they abutted from the status of the rooftops. The roof of the …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 7, Mishna 11, 12 What happens when part of a Pesach offering leaves its boundary and part stays in? Did the Sages decree ritual impurity on meat that left its boundary, or on meat that left its …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 7, Mishna 10, 11 Sal sings the Havdala blessings which mark the transition from Shabbos to the new week. Which parts of the Passover offering may be eaten so that a person fulfills his obligation to eat …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 7, Mishna 9 Shema and the meaning of A-D, eternity. Prohibition of the sciatic nerve in kosher meat, including the Paschal Lamb. Leftover meat of the Paschal Lamb becomes prohibited for consumption on the morning of the …

  •   ALS. All he wants for his birthday is that people should do acts of kindness and other mitzvos. Sign up to do a mitzvah for Yitzi! ( https://mitzvahforyitzi.com/MitzvahForYitzi/32871 ) Meat of the Pascal Lamb that became disqualified, like other consecrated …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 7, Mishna 6, 7 Shema and the four elements of all things. Mitzvos for Yitzi! ( https://mitzvahforyitzi.com/MitzvahForYitzi/32871 ) Tumah of the deep, when do we invoke this exception to the laws of ritual impurity?

  • Topics covered: Chapter 7, Mishna 5, 6 When reciting Shema, we add, “Blessed is the Name of His Glorious Kingdom forever and ever.” Where do these words come from and when else do we recite them? When the community is …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 7, Mishna 5 Why do we cover our eyes with our hand when saying Shema? What does “an eye for an eye” actually mean? if it doesn’t mean literally “an eye for eye,” why is it worded …

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