Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 5, 6 The Sages debate the connection between the roofing of a sukkah and the Clouds of Glory in the wilderness. May we use fruit, flowers and wheat as roofing for the sukkah?
Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 3, 4, 5 How can a sukkah beneath another sukkah be a valid sukkah? Why can’t we sleep in a four poster bed with a canopy inside a sukkah? May we place a grapevine within …
Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 2, 3 Inspiration from the 6th Lubavitcher Rebbe. Under what circumstances may an old sukkah be used for the Festival? May we use a stolen sukkah? Must we build our own? May we build one …
Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 1 Napoleon, the Temple, Rav Kook, and the Redemption. Turning other-purposed structures into sukkahs.
Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 1 The laws of Shabbos or more stringent than the laws of the sukkah, so if the wall count for Shabbos, they also count for the sukkah. May we have a circular sukkah?
Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 1 Did the Sages “stretch” in deriving minimum measures for various laws from Torah verses that seemingly don’t address such measures at all? Or did they actually continue a process begun by God when he …
Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 1 In deriving the minimum height of a sukkah, the Sages embark on a beautiful discussion of the unbridgeable gap between the heavenly realm and the earthly realm – a discussion that both humbles and …
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