Topics covered: Chapter 2, Mishna 4, 5 When do we revise legal rulings based on remote possibilities, and when not? Rabbi Meir is not concerned that the wineskin will burst before we have a chance to tithe it, but he …
Topics covered: Chapter 2, Mishna 3, 4 Split level roofing on a sukkah. Building a sukkah on a camel, tree, wagon or ship. Can an animal count as the wall of a sukkah? The rule of typical/atypical winds and the …
Topics covered: Chapter 2, Mishna 1, 2 Beds, tents, bulls and the extreme measures taken by the rabbis and a few zealous families to ensure that the “waters of purification” were drawn by children who were guaranteed never to have …
Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 13, Chapter 2, Mishna 1 Mats for sleeping or roofing on the sukkah? Who was Rabbi Hiyya? Sleeping under the bed in the sukkah, and Rebbi’s brilliant and respected slave, Tavi.
Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 11 Sukkahs compared to porticos, teepees, tents and lean-to’s. What if you intend to do it, but you miss it? What if you simply can’t build a sukkah?
Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 11 In seeking to understand the law of a breached roof from Rabbi Yehuda bar Elai as he learned the law from his father, we digress to learn another teaching with the same provenance regarding …
Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 11 A lesson in the Ten Commandments and roadside ethics from Reb Yoel Kahn. A tribute to the late great Jackie Mason. How does the width of a hole in the roofing of a sukkah …
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