  • Topics covered: Chapter 3, Mishna 5, 6, 7 The bull offering of the High Priest on Yom Kippur, and his confession. The hierarchy of sins. Those who contributed to the Temple are remembered favorably. Not so those who were selfish. …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 3, Mishna 4 The fine linen garments of the High Priest on Yom Kippur were fine indeed! Apropos the wealth of one High Priest who was also a Sage, Rabbi Elazar ben Harsum, we learn that one …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 3, Mishna 3, 4 Why did God choose such a stiff-necked people for the mission of transforming this world into a home for the Divine Presence? Because transformation begins with the self, and if we can transform …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 3, Mishna 3 A prayer from the Shabbos siddur for the safety and success of Israel’s defense forces. The order of the morning services in the Holy Temple according to Abaye in the name of Abba Shaul …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 3, Mishna 1, 2, 3 Why do we eat dairy on Shavuos? How could Abraham fulfill the Torah before it was given? Which yeshivas (Torah academies) existed before Torah was given? Why did the High Priest send …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 2, Mishna 5 An amazing story about Rabbi Kaminetsky’s scrupulous honesty and how it saved all the Jews of a town in Lithuania. Completing Chapter 2 of Yoma, we examine whether non-priests could perform a portion of …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 2, Mishna 3, 4 We cover a long list of segulos for parnassa – practices that help ensure one’s livelihood, with honor and free from hardship. The practices tend to share an attitude of gratitude to Hashem …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 2, Mishna 1, 2 Some choice lessons on regulating our speech from King Solomon, the Chofetz Chaim, Polonius, Ben Sira, and the order of the sacrificial parts brough on the altar. Rav Nachman and Rav Sheishes debate …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 2, Mishna 1 Today we study an important debate between Rav and Levi regarding which services in the Holy Temple, if performed by a non-Priest, would result in “kares” for him, i.e. death at the hands of …

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