  • Topics covered: Chapter 6, Mishna 2 Why did R’ Eliezer refuse to answer certain questions from his students and a wise woman? How did the other Sages feel about R’ Eliezer? An abridged version of the Oven of Achnai story. …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 6, Mishna 1 Day of Calling Out will be June 27! Info to follow. A disqualified animal stands to die a horrible death according to one opinion, so the Rabbis dig deep into the halacha to save …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 6, Mishna 1 Let’s not wait until we’re cringing in a foxhole to cry out to our Creator! Rav and Rabbi Yochanan debate what to do with the surviving goat from the first pair, when a second …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 6, Mishna 1 A beautiful story about the Lubavitcher Rebbe and his beloved wife Chaya Mushka. A paradox: if you slaughter an offering outside the Temple, you’re liable for violating the Torah law against slaughtering offerings outside …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 6, Mishna 1 Two beautiful stories that help us understand why so many priests went on a suicide mission to be high priest in the Second Temple period, and why Korach – who knew better! – went …

  • Topics Covered: Chapter 5, Mishna 6 A lesson from the prophet Samuel from the Korach haftorah. Understanding where the Sages differ with respect to interruptions in the Yom Kippur service of the High Priest.

  • Topics covered: Chapter 5, Mishna 6 A beautiful lesson from Rabbi Avraham Tewrski M.D. about addiction, obligation and true freedom. On Yom Kippur, the High Priest in the Tabernacle or the Temple had a very specific order in which he …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 5, Mishna 5 The verses of praise, glory, and prophetic vision in the daily prayers are worth pausing and sinking into from time to time! To explain what is meant by the “purity” of the incense altar …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 5, Mishna 5 How did High Priest purify the incense altar on Yom Kippur? How does the incense altar differ from the main altar? Why was Rabbi Akiva overruled? Why were the farmers of Jerusalem grateful that …

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