  • Chapter 2, Mishna 1Topics covered:How far from property line must be from launderer’s pond?How far must pit be from property line?What is relevance of different kinds of damage from hazardous substances to neighbor’s property?Why must one plaster pit with lyme?With …

  • Chapter 2, Mishna 1Topics covered:If I dig a pit on my property, how close can it be to the boundary of my neighbor?Does it matter whether he has a pit on his property?How does this law apply to hazardous substances …

  • Chapter 1, Mishna 5Topics covered:Did Job blaspheme?Did Job do anything wrong?What does it mean that God spoke out of the tempest?What is relevance of confusing Iyov with Oyav?Is a person responsible for what he says when in distress?How did three …

  • Chapter 1, Mishna 5Topics covered:When did Job live?Was Job Jewish?Was he a prophet?What is relevance of the beauty of Job’s daughters to when he lived?What is evidence that Job married Dina?What is relevance that Job lived in time of licentiousness?When …

  • Chapter 1, Mishna 5Topics covered:What was size of ark of covenant and ten commandment tablets?What was in the ark besides the tablets?What is relevance of circumference/diameter of circle?How did scroll fit in remaining two handbreadths of space in ark?What does …

  • Chapter 1, Mishna 5Topics covered:When can a co-owned hall or drawing room be divided?How can co-owned slave or animal be divided between partners who want to end the partnership?Can someone be half free and half slave?What is relevance of procreation …

  • Chapter 1, Mishna 5Topics covered:How far does corpse impurity travel?What is relevance of door/doorpost to building with a corpse in it?Does a grave whose entrance is sealed impart impurity?What happens with impurity with no egress?What is relevance of this to …

  • Chapter 1, Mishna 4, 5Topics covered:What can we take with us when we leave this world?How do we know that charity you give is stored up for eternal reward?How long does one have to live in the city to be …

  • Chapter 1, Mishna 4Topics covered:What is reward for those who give charity?Why would someone who gives charity have children who are masters of wealth?Why is wisdom & honor linked to masters of aggadah?Who was Turnus Rufus and what was his …

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