
πŸ›Ž AT Daily! #1147 πŸš€ Rav Yosef Said, If I Had Been There… πŸ‡ Nazir 32

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Chapter 5, Mishna 2, 3

One out of ten animals is a tithe. If you miscount (if 9th or 11th is called 10th) then it too is tithed. Until a nazir gets to a halachic authority to dissolve his vow, he still has to follow it. If someone intentionally says β€œ11th is 10th too” then it’s not consecrated at all. If animal is stolen and one regrets taking his vow, if theft happened before he took vow but he didn’t know about it, his vow can be dissolved. But if animal was stolen after the vow then it can’t be nullified on that basis

#nazir #nazirite #wine #vow #temurah #consecration

Opening song: Rainforest sounds

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